..i've got some tips for you! Not many people get the chance to live to 100 years old. In fact, on average only 1 in 3000 (approximately) people live to 100, or even become supercentenarians- a person who reaches the age of 110. But there are a few ways that you can improve the chance of living to somewhere close to that age. Use at own risk!
Drink Green Tea
Those who drink 5+ cups of Green Tea a day had a significantly lower risk of dying from heart disease or a stroke.
Be outgoing
People who are outgoing are 50% less likely to develop dementia due to lower levels of the stress hormone corstisol, a recent study by the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden Found.
Flossing regularly can add up to 6 years on to your life expectancy by removing bacteria that can cause inflammation, which in turn reduces the risk of strokes and heart disease.
Do not smoke
Smoking for the majority of your lifetime can cut up to 10 years off of your life expectancy. However if you quit by age 50, you can gain 6 of those years back.
Eat nuts
Those who frequently ate nuts gained on average an additional 2 years life expectancy due to their numerous cardiovascular benefits, according to an Archives of Intenal Medicine publication.
Take more holidays
According to health.com cutting down on your leisure time can increase the risk of having heart disease eightfold, due to the lack of downtime away from the stress and strains of work.
Embrace new technology
Researchers from evercare state that using and keeping up with the newest technology trends helps to keep brain cells young and healthy and ensures we are socially engaged.
Have a baby later in life
Falling pregnant naturally after age 40 is a great sign showing that you have genes that help you live longer according to a lead researcher at the Universiti of Utah. Findings show that those who have babies later in life are almost 10% less likely to die during any age after 50 than those who had babies before age 40.
Lie in
Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night is imperative to the healing process and logetivity of cells, however most do not get this, which severely hinders daily cell processes.
Drink a little wine
Drinking a small glass of wine each day could help protect your heart by raising levels of good cholesterol. A million person study revealed that light drinkers had an 18% lower death rate than those that didn't drink over the course of the study.
How you respond to stress is a key factor in life expectancy. Research from the new england centenarian study revealed that those born witha sunny disposition deal better with stress, thereby increasing their chances of seeing their 100th birthday.
Which countries have the highest percentage of centenarians?
Japan - 1 in 2,000
France - 1 in 3,076
US - 1 in 3,300
For the ones who will use these tips, use it at your own risk! You do not want to end up planning suicide. Good luck, and follow!
Gees, I would have thought that the Japanese had the highest percentage of centenarians.. well really any country but Frace XD
@Krymore, hmm, did a small research again, and you are absolutely right. Going to add it to the blog, thanks alot man!
This was very interesting, I already do most of those things, except I do smoke. Maybe that will balance it all out.
interesting stuff, I will remember about those tips
Very good information. Always in the moderation of things can we achieve the best results.
Nice tips there! :)
Yup. I employ many of these in my daily life. I don't work too hard.
Nice! Thanks for the tips.
I'll do everything cept Green Tea and Nuts, can't stand either.
And wow, amazing flossing can have such great effects, will have to be less lazy on that
Great blog man, thanks for sharing. Could do with taking a few tips from you!
Following :)
i want to live until the moment im a burden, then its good bye
I wouldn't mind living to 100 if I was healthy and active. I do at least one in that list, the green tea, but I also smoke so no triple figures for me then!
no thx can't handle this shit wat we call life for 100 yers.
Wow japan have so many centurians they count as two countries? Lol nonetheless interesting post, kinda glad i already do alot of them :) followed
Cool blog, pal! followed, MC-hammer style!!!
Might as well live to 100.
I'm about to do my part by having another wine :)
Wow, I do all of that. shocking.
You offer great tips here and I alread do about a third of them. Still, like you, I'll take a pass on living to 100. Now perhaps in a different world, with more positive and cool people, I'd cheerfully go for the 100 year mark.
Did these stats for japan get updated after they started finding all of those old people were actually dead?
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